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Unleash the Power Within

Jane G. Doyle

Jane G. Doyle invites you to subscribe to the Wings of Power newsletter.

Jane G. Doyle is devoted to encouraging others to become modern-day warriors....those who courageously rescue themselves by unleashing the power within themselves. In her award-winning book, You Heal You: Thriving After Illness, Pain, and Loss, Jane shares the tale of her own self-healing journey, as well as the inspirational and miraculous stories of 17 other modern-day warriors who overcame seemingly insurmountable obstacles by embracing their inner power.

Jane has come to expect her miracles, but she never stops growing and learning. She continues to revisit her 14 steps for self-healing and to reach into her arsenal of power tools when new challenges present themselves. No matter where you are on your own healing journey, Jane wants to help you find the inspiration you need to create your own unique healing formula, and most importantly, to never give up.

When you subscribe for Jane's Wings of Power newsletter, you'll receive twice monthly emails (on the 1st and 3rd Sundays) comprised of:

  • E-inspirations—inspirational quotes to help you boost your outlook and direct your thoughts and energy down a positive path.

  • Highlights from Jane's recent blog posts.

  • Announcements about Jane's upcoming speaking events and media appearances.

  • Bonus "mini stories" not published elsewhere, and more!

Subscribe today to receive the next Wings of Power newsletter this coming Sunday, July 16th. Treat yourself to these regular reminders that there is immense untapped power in all of us, and that anything is possible.

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