You Rescue You
You Rescue You
The Journey to My Altar of Truth
Jane G. Doyle’s self-healing adventure and growth continue in her forthcoming book, You Rescue You: The Journey to My Altar of Truth.
Jane goes deeper in her quest of taking control of her life and unleashing the power and wisdom within. Jane conquers new landscapes with a new guide, whom she dubs “Wise Jane.”
In You Heal You (2016, 2022), Jane searches for answers from
the outside world and discovers external healing modalities. In
You Rescue You, Jane goes inward, explores uncharted territory
within, and uncovers golden nuggets of inner resources.
Jane's first book of adventures is fueled by the belief in miracles. Her latest book of adventures is fueled by self-empowerment. Our best wisdom and greatest inspiration lie within. Let you inspire you.
Coming in 2024.