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Finding Ways to Sing My Joy

Jane G. Doyle

Me singing my joy in Glen Affric (Northern Scotland)

During my health crisis, I was forced to choose. “Jane, forge your own path or live in pain.” I chose to be the unique Jane. To march to the beat of my own drum. I recovered from 30 years of undiagnosed illnesses. You can read more about this part of my journey in You Heal You, Chapter 13: “Singing My Joy.”

My undiagnosed illnesses were the best thing that ever happened to me. They changed me to a wounded warrior with a medal of courage. I became adept at dealing with obstacles, seeing the good in them, and knowing my life would improve because of them.

I continue to seek out ways to sing my joy, and I maintain my song by following my passions. During my recent return trip to Scotland, I signed up for pony (horse) trekking in Glen Affric, Northern Scotland. I’m sharing this photo of me singing my joy in the process. Love is the most powerful YouHealYou medicine in the world. I highly recommend this remedy.


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