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Clever Scots. Clever Healing Formulas.

Jane G. Doyle

The Scots are known for their important inventions: whisky, golf, ATMs, Dolly the Sheep (the first mammal cloned in 1996), penicillin, and telephones, to name just a few. Their knack for innovation is even the subject of a New York Times Best Selling book, How the Scots Invented the Modern World: The True Story of How Western Europe’s Poorest Nation Created Our World & Everything in It, by Arthur Herman. Yes, the Scots are clever people.

Their ingenuity continues today. On a recent trip to Scotland in September 2023, my sister, niece, and I ventured out to the grocery store to buy potatoes for dinner. My sister remembered seeing a sign reading “potatoes,” along the road—somewhere.

We like buying local, so off we went, exploring. We eventually came upon the “Spud Hut and Spud Bus.” A farmer from the Muir of Ord (9 miles west of Inverness) opened a vending machine store for his potatoes. No employees. Just potatoes. How efficient.

Driving away with our big bag of spuds, I flashed back to the healing remedy I created to cure my decades-long undiagnosed illnesses. Where did I get the idea to invent my own concoction when doctor after doctor had no answers? To tackle the mystery of my debilitating physical symptoms with a remedy customized for me? Was I inspired by their history of inventions? As an authentic Caledonophile (a person with an affinity for all things Scottish), I concluded that my Scottish creative genes turned on during my previous trips (2002-2008). It worked. I beat the odds. I healed. Another win for Celtic ingenuity.

If you are interested in reading how eighteen people created their own unique healing formulas and beat the odds, I invite you to read You Heal You: Inspirational & Miraculous Healing Stories of 18 Modern Day Warriors. May you, too, be inspired to explore the wonders of your innate cleverness. And change your world.

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